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Day 6 - Isla La Graciosa to Montaña Amarilla


Distance Time Elevation in meters

Gain Loss Min Max
12.4 5H02 2H27 158 158 1 154







The weather was fine as we got on the boat

But it was soon raining and only the hardy Scots remained in the open seating area

The Welsh and the English took cover at the bulkhead along with Andreas



It was more like Blackpool holiday weather, not Lanzarote

And the smiles soon disappeared as the boat was thrown about like a cork as we reached the
Punta Fariones headland and became exposed to the currents

After a short trip (7 km, 30 minutes) we reached the safety of Caleta de Sebo harbour


(Photo: Andreas Weibel)

Leaving Caleta de Sebo

Montaña Amarilla in the distance

Now that reminds me........ did I tell you the joke about the parrot with no legs?

Montaña Amarilla


Time for a snack on Playa Francesa

The beach at the foot of Montaña Amarilla

Here we split up, some going to the beach and others climbing the volcanic rim

(Photo: Andreas Weibel)


The rim of the crater was quite wide and firm under foot, but at 175 m above sea level it was windy.... very windy!


View from the rim down to Playa Francesa

(Photo: Andreas Weibel)

View to the north-west to Isla de Montaña Clara and Isla de Alegranza

(Photo: Andreas Weibel)


Joan and Andrew (Photo: Andreas Weibel)



After the climb we had lunch on the beach, but were appalled as we watched a man climb on the friable
rock on the side of the volcano. One slip, and he would have fallen 50 meters.

(Photo: Andreas Weibel)

Approaching Playa Francesa on the way back



(Photo: Andrew)

Having a well earned beer before catching the 4 p.m. ferry

(Photo: Andreas Weibel)

Passing the headland on the return ferry journey